I raced back from Harrisonburg in order to get to the annual Oregon Hill Christmas Caroling. I made it just in time to practice a sweet Daryl Hall and John Oates song. The entire caroling process took 4 solid hours and ended up at Ipanema for a Karaoke fundraiser for books on wheels. It started at Mamma Zu's with almost 30 people crowding the small Italian restaurant. The people paying 30 dollars for their entrees had to stand up so we could all fit inside, only to find out that we were singing Dust in the Wind and Footloose. The most notable moment was when we stopped a car, surrounded it, caroled at it, and then realized that the lady's car had just had her car broken into and was crying that snotty weird breathing kinda cry. I think Broken Wings would have been the most appropriate choice for that one.
Here's a video of us in 821 (note Tony Waste's solo at the end)-


  1. Anonymous said...

    This is why I read the old blojj. Where else can I get the news that matters? Certainly not from Mediageneralstein.

    Sorry I missed you for lunch the other day.  


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