Normally I don't post anything involving (mis) adventures with the opposite sex. Somehow it just seems...unrefined? Tacky? Personal? But i recently had a comment requesting otherwise, so...
I went over to Drew's apt last night, where we caught up, got blogged, and told jokes. Eventually Drew got hungry so we walked over to the restaurant/tequila bar closest to his place. One of the things i really enjoy about norfolk is the food scene. Since Peta has their headquarters here, there is a financial incentive to provide delicious veg fare. Sitting at one of the cocktail tables, I had a spicy steak chimichanga that was completely vegan and totally delicious. First off, I had no idea that a chimichanga was just a fried burrito. awesome. I also decided that this products marketing team has dropped the ball. how many more chimichangas would be sold if you just said 'deep fried burrito'? I also came up with the term "Texas Egg Roll" for our friends to the south, and the 'far' east.
After being there for about a while I noticed some 'talent' and made eye contact. Keep in mind that Drew has an amazing beard and every 5 minutes I'm falling into a laugh hole. Side note - one of the laugh holes started with me saying "lordy lordy look who's forty...Aint it nifty, look who's fifty...Aren't you sneaky, guess who's sixty."
Anyway, three girls walked up to our table, and one of them dropped some lame line like 'you guys just looked cool and interesting and we thought we'd just come over and say 'hi.' To which I responded, "well you guessed right. we are fun and interesting."
The woman doing most of the talking was the outgoing (read: drunk) 31 yr old lesbian. The other two were complete normals who would each be a 7-8, if you couldn't tell that they were from the eastern shore, or if you never looked at their eyes. One of them had the eyes of jim breuer and the other had one eye that was so crazy lazy that she could make eye contact with both drew and I at the same time. My other major issue was that they had come over to our table and offered nothing interesting in the way of conversation. The lesbian, on the other hand, was pretty funny and apparently worked at a tugboat captain? At one point she told drew that he had to arm wrestle her. Drew tried to bail but I encouraged the situation and, thankfully, drew won -although it was close for a while.
Eventually, the two girls with no game went to the bathroom and drew and I just left. We went back to drews, ate maple syrup and ginger snap gellato, and laughed about how funny that situation was.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    Sic transit: "Eventually, the two girls with no game went to the bathroom and drew and I just left." Best sentence of 2008's dusk.  


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