I didn't forget about the ol blojj I just havent had much to report. I've just been in thinking mode lately, I had an impromptu party one night with friends, and I tried to watch the movie 'the leopard' at an art gallery last night. The chairs were too uncomfortable to sit through 3 hours of an italian epic I had no interest in seeing so I left. I did find an egyptian hefe-weizen, which was delightful, and I made pasta. Anywhere you go, there's downtime. any job you get is still a job. Your friends are always going to ask you what you want to do tonight, and not have any suggestions so you'll sit inside and talk. There's nothing new under the sun.
I do appreciate the amazing weather right now, I found a bicycle advocacy/riding group (now i just need a bike), fresh fruit and orange juice every morning on my way to work, and a diverse group of friends.
Despite all that, I'm counting down the days until I'm in the states. You appreciate america so much more when you're in a third world country. Not almost getting hit by a car 20+ times a day is one of the things i miss. Amazing food is another.



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