I've been trying to find a gym here for a while but all the gyms are about 60-100 usd a month and located primarily in hotels and cater to foreigners. I can't really afford that and all I really use are the free weights so its hardly worth it. Its not like i'm going to use a hot tub because i always think that its some post coital stew. Anyway, I found a gym today that's only 10 usd a month and located above a barber shop on some back street downtown. It's great. Its like a private prison gym, you know the kind reserved for the well behaved inmates, only its outdated by about 20 years. I half expected to see one of those machines that has a giant lap belt that just shakes you or maybe even kettle wieghts. Instead all i found was 1 guy working out to the sound of ringtones. He even set his phone on the bench in the middle of the room so the 2 other people in the gym could hear it. OH! The 'locker room' was a bathroom where the bathtub/shower was converted to have 2 shower heads right next to each other, so you'd be standing in a bathtub with another guy taking a shower.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    It sounds perfect for you. Especially everything after "OH!"  

  2. Anonymous said...

    Favorite things:

    The running theme of Egyptians "jamming on ringtones" AND Matt's continuous insinuations of your latent homosexuality.

    Keep it up, buddy.

    (Double entendre intended)  

  3. can't-type sandwich said...

    Hey, I just noticed that your blojj colors are the same as those on the suits worn by the bad guys in Tron. Pink on old gray.  


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