I stayed home today to write 3 articles.
It is now 742 pm and I have written: 0
Loads of laundry done: 1
Naps: 1.5
Chocolate bars eaten: 2
This feels like college all over again.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    Herein your three articles (I ghostwrite for a living, so don't worry):

    1. Man's Evolution Moving Faster. Think about it. Computers. There's no way that processor-speed improvements aren't having some influence on us as a species.

    2. Night of the Long Knives. I saw a 30-minute pitch for cutlery at 12.30 a.m. on one of the shopping channels. I actually thought about it when the guy cut a silver dollar in half. But then that got me thinking about wasting money. Close one, though.

    3. What the Future Holds. I have gotten pretty good at predicting what's coming next. This works to both moral and mathematical certainties (I don't know the difference between these things, I just know the future). It's pretty good. I've made a lot of money recently as a direct result.  


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