I wasn't really in party mode, but the party was a 2 min walk from my house so to not go would have been lazy. The big party of the night was put on by the marines from the us embassy, but i didn't feel comfortable supporting that situation. Anyway, there's not much to say, I went as 'guy that throws stuff at the world bank.' Next to me is my roommate nick, who went as 'guy that bought weird sunglasses and fake gas mask' and Maher who went as Zorro. My favorite costume of the night was my friend Karem who came in a full KKK outfit. It's pretty hilarious watching an egyptian dressed up as KKK dancing with a Sudanese refugee, that his boss is dating. Oh, and I had a conversation with someone about which MxPx albums were 'good'.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    Capitalism bad.  

  2. Anonymous said...

    life in general
    on the cover
    and a little bit of teenage politics
    -john upton  


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