My old roommate, Nick, has a constant problem with his name. Nick in arabic means the same thing as the 'F' word. This can be humorous when we're out and about.
Tonight he took me to this amazing dive bar he found. The beer was cheap, they were playing the 'football' game that I wanted to see, and they give you a free salad and these bar peas you that you eat. Anyway, we watched the game and had a couple of beers in one of the only legitimate dive bars that i've been to here.
Then nick told me to go look upstairs. I seriously didnt know what to expect, but after the game we both went upstairs. It turned out to be a brothel! It gets better. Imagine a medium sized room that looks like a backroom party at a mexican restaurant. At the opposite end of this rectangular room there is a keyboard player. In front of the keyboard player, about 15 feet away from you, is the vocal entertainment. Its a guy that walks with those arm cane things, so he only had one connected to his arm and the other held the microphone. Why didn't he have a mic stand? We were immediately greeted by the 'sweet ladies' and who i assume were the pimps. I had no idea what to do, but fortunately nick got us out of there without either of us having to buy overpriced beers. so that was weird and shady.
Then we went to a shady bellydancing place. There are 2 requirements to be a belly dancer in a shady bellydancing place here: 1. Must have belly 2. Have never seen anyone belly dance. ever. It was gross and terrible. When the music sped up I actually dry heaved. There were things that i assume will jiggle forever.
On the bright side, it looks like Egypt will win the Africa Cup this year.


  1. Anonymous said...

    "There are things that I assume will jiggle forever"

    Wait, like that animated gif of that frolicking green dinosaur thing with the four sets of boobs?

    I know you know it.

    Just like you know about sunglasses that come in magazines.  

  2. can't-type sandwich said...

    You could have said that you were just there to buy the band's demo CD and excused yourself.  


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