There was a really nice party on the rooftop of my new place last night. It started off a little too relaxed for my tasted and maybe even too nice. The girl that prepared everything was so well organized that it seemed like it was some nice catered affair. That was at around 10pm.
I spent most of the night hanging out with this guy Nader (pronounced Nae-dare) who is egyptian but went to school in Minniapolis, MN. He is currently an artist in New York that loves metal and is very familiar with the works of Municipal Waste and Cannabis Corpse. I guess I'm just a sucker for a Richmond connection of any kind, but we had a great time.
Fast forward through the giant bins of alcohol being consumed and then there were about 10 of us listening to Palestinian hip hop and watching the sunrise. It ended up being one of the better parties so far.
Interesting fact: Jello shooters are esentially non existant outside of the US, kind of like peanut butter and jelly. I plan on capitalizing on that fact next party. I figure that's going to be the only way to get anyone else drunk enough to start chanting things like,
"when I say 'college', you say 'rules'"



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