I've spent the better part of 3 hours cleaning my new room. This is after I got home at around 3 am and was woken up by the guy I was house sitting for at 5am. This was made awkward by my being in my underwear and never having met him before.
Anyway, I think my room has a/c, I'm not sure. It's been going the entire time and I'm still sweating like crazy. Also, nothing I do to this room will ever make it look good. I tried to replace the light bulb and pulled out the entire fixture from the ceiling. Entire chunks of wall are just missing and I think out of 7 outlets in the room, 2 work. I know you think Target is probably not the coolest place in the world, but I promise that not having the convenience of getting everything I would need to make this place awesome in one place is actually really awesome. Instead, I will spend an hour in the hot sun with a light bulb or two saying 'like this' in arabic to every shop I pass until someone has a light bulb 'like this'. That's the easy part, there's thing I would like to have that I can't just walk around with, like a pillow or pillow case. Good luck trying to find the pillow case district.
I guess the moral is, want less.
That of course is easy to say, but when you just want to take a nap but you're afraid the bed has scabies you have a bit of cognitive dissonance.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    The moral is: want scabies.  

  2. Anonymous said...

    What that room needs is a giant pink and black graffito of "Dirty South"  


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