Please note, this story was printed with Chris' permission. Normally I wouldn't post things like this, I would just tell them at inappropriate times, like dinner with your parents.
One caveat in this entire chapter in life is the almost complete lack of women (lil' hotties). This is less than awesome for me, but perhaps much needed and a way in which to grow myself as a human being. This creates an interesting situation (prison-like in nature) that allows Chris far more romantic opportunities than he might normally have in the bible belt of the ol' US of A. This also allows me to be a facilitator, show Chris a good time, and be a good 'wingman'. Also, let's face it, it could make for an interesting story.
So we went to a bar that davebecca and I enjoyed called the Spitfire, which is a WWII themed dive bar. It was completely dead and pretty boring so we went to a bar that was labeled as more 'open minded'. I can say that, for a straight guy, I've been to more gay bars than most, but this was weirder than most. I'm not sure how to explain it because nothing was overtly crazy nor were there guys dancing on tables or anything, it just felt dark I guess. That's not a skintone joke either, just think about being gay in a society in which 'no one is gay' and if you are caught you could 'disappear.' This bar could also get raided at anytime and then we'd be in some serious trouble, so it had the speakeasy appeal to it.
Anyway, I just grab a couple beers and chris and I sit in the back corner. Within moments our barren corner was teaming with dudes hanging around. Chris chalks this up to us being 'fresh meat', I chalk it up to being totally hot and unattainable, something all guys want. Eventually, I get really people claustrophobic and want to get out of there so I settle up and Chris and I leave.
Continued in Part 2


  1. AB said...

    Anxiously awaiting part 2. Seriously.  

  2. Jenny Miller said...

    where's the story, man??  


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