I'm two minutes away from needing to be at work. I went to a 'punk rock prom' at the duckpin bowling alley (your character's 'scene points' increases by 12. advance to the next level.) That was followed by a late night tour of hollywood cemetery and sleep came at 5am.
Tomorrow I work from 5pm to 5am, as my first night of training to be a bartender begins when my serving shift ends. Unless I get a shift covered next week, I will be working from 10am(sat)-5am(sun). On my feet working, not sitting working.
I'm also going to the gym in between shifts now instead of taking a nap.
I am a machine. I run on pure awesome.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    You will tend bar like Tom Cruise in that late-'80s movie no one saw. You will flip bottles of spirits in the air, catch them behind your back, and get $1,000 tips from glamorous alcoholic ladies.  


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