There was a 'missed connection' from a guy complaining about how his roommate eats his chips, etc. It was weird, like a personal ad about how much this person sucks, but from his roommate, to him, via craigslist.
Then this was posted (censored):

re:to the asshole who lives right in the next room - 24 (the fan ) (Love this city...)

Reply to: [?]
Date: 2009-02-09, 2:36PM EST

To the asshole who lives in the room next to person who made a missed connection on here yesterday...

You *effing* rule.

Keep doing whatever it is that you need to do to keep pissing off the dude that posted a missed connection about you, instead of saying it to your face. Dude is totally a pussy and deserved to get them chips eaten every time!

Keep sleeping on that *effed* up couch and, if possible, try and get *friendly* with some thick chick in dudes bed. It's the only way to really go full circle with this... especially if you are a chick. Really stick it to the man. Oh yeah... you should call the dude that posted the message... "The Man" because they are clearly trying to authoritatively dictate your life, and diet, via a website, and well... like I said before, that's mad pussy.

Good luck!

-smoke to get high.



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