As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly...

So it looks like the main objective that I was trying to achieve by being in Egypt (career) is the one thing I'm going to take 2 steps behind on. Apparently, there are 1000 ex circuit city employees vying for the same positions I've been applying for. So do you take a job you don't really want or do you just go hungry?
Plan: Take the job, write in my spare time, try to get freelance writing jobs, take the GRE's, buy a motorcycle, reevaluate.
Thanks be to the curse of Adam for the endless toiling I must do.
Then, on top of that, I watched that movie Max Payne with my dad tonight. It made me remember what a bad movie really is. It's a shame, I like Mark Wahlberg, especially in I Heart Huckabees, but that movie tonight was a turd's turd. Then on top of that, I realized that Itunes made me lose that Cheap Trick album that Steve Albini produced. I feel like I was finally 'getting it' and it was just stripped away.
Bright side: I want for nothing. In the future I will come home to an adorable tony and eva on a daily basis. I will live down the street from Yall'z Grille in a week or so. There's a good chance Dave might move to fist city. I'm listening to Sunny Day Real Estate. I'm at my parent's house, which is full of love, food, and heat. I'm going to stay up late and read comic books.
Conclusion: Life has been better, but it's been way worse. I've never had life not work out for the awesome so I'm just curious to see what's next


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    Do you want to make tea at the BBC?

    Seriously, though, that live Clash record from Shea Stadium that came out a few months ago is pretty good.  


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