Out: 'Baby doll dresses' or anything resembling them
Why: If I even have a casual conversation with you I will constantly hear things like, "hey, I saw you talking to that pregnant girl" or "who was that preggy lil hottie" if its drew.
Out: Jeans without back pockets
Why: I remember when I first saw the mona lisa and i thought, "gross, what's wrong with her, she looks busted" then I realized it was that she had no eyebrows.
Out: Loud burping
Why: I get it, you're edgy, your hip, you don't care what the establishment thinks, whatever. The fact is you're not sarah silverman and the girl at the end of the bar is vomiting and then trying to see if guys are desperate enough to kiss her afterwards. There's always someone cooler than you so 'don't do something because you think its cool, do it because you're cool' -lil wayne.


  1. AB said...

    I am with you on 1, 2, and 3.

    What are your feelings on leggings?  

  2. Eva said...

    hello i will wait until you leave again to keep reading your blog. thank you for the legal advice  

  3. can't-type sandwich said...

    Out: the letters E, T, N, and R.
    Reason: none.
    In: -park suffix.
    Reason: who cares.  


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