I have seriously been too busy to knock out a well prepared post during this trip, but here's some randomness...
i've been conflicted as to how much i'm actually accomplishing in cairo and where it will take me and if i really want to go there. after being home just a couple of weeks i want to just buy a house in church hill and try to balance keeping it real with a 9-5. part of me thinks that is giving up, another part thinks its growing up.
drew and i talked for a night about how when we were kids we thought we'd both be married by now, probably with kids. now neither of us see a good reason to make that mistake. my plan now is to just have fun until i'm into my thirties and meet a woman who was too focused on her career early on and at 35 she has decided she wants to settle down. i'd make an amazing househusband. the only flaw in that plan is that i can't iron -at all- but i fully expect science/technology to take care of that, or for her to be wealthy enough to do dry cleaning, i'll pick it up for her.
i'm going to buy a voice recorder today. i figure i have too many great ideas to let them all be forgotten because i'm too busy to write them down. for example, last night i dreamt of a trailer for the new bill and teds movie. the dream gave me enough to write a screenplay, but no tape recorder. also how funny would it be to listen to a tape recorder full of things like 'original cast...rufus hand of god...bill and ted deities...timespace rifts antagonist...shadowy character behind it all...maybe recycled footage of george carlin?'
right now i'm at my parents table with dave. we're drinking chocolate milk and daves sitting across from me watching 'welcome home rosco jenkins' and narrating the entire thing to me. occasionally he flips his computer around to show me what queen latifa is wearing.
speaking of dave and black comedies, the other day we were in macarthur mall trying to find ninja stars or shoes, and as we where going down the escalator a group of girls where going down the elevator. keep in mind these two things are about 40 yards apart and as i looked over they were frantically trying to get our attention. i nudged dave and they blew us a kiss? this seriously happened. then, the best part, is when dave caught the imaginary kiss and put it in his pocket.
i think that might have been the same night we decided to go to an all Filipino dive bar and sing dashboard confessional on midi karaoke. since that song didnt work dave sang 'since you've been gone' and i sang 'islands in the stream' with sarah carter. i love her voice, but it ended up being like that 'afternoon delight' scene in arrested development.
another good idea? peanut butter and jelly french fries.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    You should go to Military Circle Mall. That's now my favorite one in the Tidewater.  


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