...well, for a little bit anyway.

dec 12th - fly into dc. i'll have a layover in amsterdam and be post 18hr flight so friday may be a take it easy night unless something awesome is happening.
dec 13th - Fun times in DC! Hot tubs, sparks, general good times.
dec 14th-21st - party hard in richmond. bikes, friends, drinkfour, general danger.
dec 21st - dec 29th - party medium in vb, hang with the fam, dance nights with drew
dec29th-jan4th - wide open. it'd be nice if great wolfe lodge happened again.
jan 4th - fly out of dc

When i convert my money to USD i will basically have none so if you want to take me out to lunch, dinner, or buy me drinks/nerds ropes it would be much appreciated.
I love you all.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Yeah, but we're gonna medium party to the MAX!


  2. Anonymous said...

    Don't stay too long or you might be forced to join the armed services and perform a 2 year stint before being allowed to go back to your foreign job you hippy. We miss you and welcome you in our home. Both our toilets, as you may remember, face north... so in case you've switched from being a Protestant, we've got you covered. Safe travels homie. Love and stuff.  


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