I would like to take a moment to give the comments their day in the sun. These are some of my favorites comments I've received in the last week.

On the post Scorpion Bowab -
The ball-grabbing sounds right up your alley. You should probably get hip to blood feuds, too. They may even be big in Richmond by the time you come back to visit. -Can't type sandwich

On the post Halloween in Egypt's Capital -
life in general
on the cover
and a little bit of teenage politics
-john upton

On the post Tonight
"There are things that I assume will jiggle forever"
Wait, like that animated gif of that frolicking green dinosaur thing with the four sets of boobs?
I know you know it.
Just like you know about sunglasses that come in magazines. -Natalie
You could have said that you were just there to buy the band's demo CD and excused yourself. -Cantypesandwich

In reference to the Japanther Review
I've been meaning to let you know that your Hamburger(Hotdog) blog helps me get through the day.
I also completely agree with your Japanther review. -Chris

On the post Coming Back to America
Yeah, but we're gonna medium party to the MAX!
Don't stay too long or you might be forced to join the armed services and perform a 2 year stint before being allowed to go back to your foreign job you hippy. We miss you and welcome you in our home. Both our toilets, as you may remember, face north... so in case you've switched from being a Protestant, we've got you covered. Safe travels homie. Love and stuff. -Antonious Maximus


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    Seriously, though, the ball-grabbing sport among grown men makes me think you may never leave there.  


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