While we're kind of on the subject of guilty pleasures, I love graphic novels. I'm 28 and I still read one a month, at least. So when it was announced that my favorite graphic novel, The Watchmen, was being made into a movie, I got terribly excited. So much so that I've checked out the directors website for storyboard updates and to see photos of the set design, etc. I know this makes me sound like the opposite of cool, but I promise that it is an amazing piece of literature and I hope that the movie is half as good as the graphic novel. Anyway, the new trailer came out recently and it looks so good.
Here's the trailer
Here's the graphic novel scanned (bittorrent)


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    I totally agree. This does make you sound the opposite of cool.  

  2. Anonymous said...

    Oh man, I totally GOL'd (guffawed out loud) when Milhouse asked Alan Moore to sign his copy of Watchmen Babies.  


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