Sorry I've been lax about the posting. The job has been keeping me increasingly busy and I had another bout of sickness. I'll be better, I promise.
Last night I ventured out to an exhibit opening at the Goethe Institute. It was a graffiti exhibit in which the artists we allowed to put up big pieces on the side of the former East Germany embassy. Some pieces were amazing, some mediocre, but the standout part was the fact that there was a rap group and a break dancing group. It was all in arabic so I have no idea if they were any good, but their name was 'Arabian Nights' although i never saw it written down so it could be 'Arabian Knights.' It was fun, beers were cheap and there were a lot of kids I hadn't seen at the normal foreigner hangout spots.
This all happened just a few days after I saw an upper egyptian man in traditional dress with stainless steel fronts.
Then I saw two pairs of twins in one morning and ate curly fries at hardees.
Also, Hardees does not serve the '5th meal' here, they don't even open til 11am. I guess there's no old people here that enjoy biscuits and gravy.



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