A bowab is a doorman, handyman, trashman, etc. in this culture. My bowab is named 'Gad.' I met a girl that used to live in the same apartment as I do. Apparently Gad tried to stop a fight a couple years ago and somehow 'accidentally' killed a man. The problem came when it was found out that the man that he killed was from the same village in upper Egypt and was from the opposing side in a long standing feud. She said the door was always locked and there were plenty of times when she had to wake him up to open the front door, only to find him sleeping with a sword.
oh, and apparently he likes to play this game where you chase each other around and grab at each others balls. these are true stories and this man is the security of my building.
life is good


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    The ball-grabbing sounds right up your alley. You should probably get hip to blood feuds, too. They may even be big in Richmond by the time you come back to visit.  


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