In July, I sold most of my my belongings and moved to Cairo. My goal was to work in the field of journalism without any real experience or anything lined up beforehand.
Last month I started doing freelance writing. Then I basically just kept showing up to the magazine where I saw the most potential. I became a staff writer within a couple of weeks, and yesterday I officially became Senior Editor of an international design magazine.
Apparently my corporate background came in handy, as they really needed someone to come in and organize the entire editorial staff. It's the first time in my life I don't mind working long days. I never look at the clock until the end of the day, and that's only to wish I had a few more hours to complete necessary tasks. I officially have a career, not a job.
The magazine needs a lot of work, and I'm just the man who is grossly unqualified to turn it around.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    I aspire not to look at the clock until the end of the day. I fail on that score, though, typically starting at around 9.02 a.m. and every five to seven minutes thereafter until Deliverance at 5.00 p.m. sharp. Out.  

  2. big dave said...

    You are now fully qualified to manage a hedge fund. Here is $1000.  

  3. Anonymous said...

    Never underestimate the power of enthusiastic amateurs.  


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