It's difficult being a straight guy that likes to look good. Especially when it comes to 'manscaping' or trimming of the body hair. Let's face it, the male form is far less than graceful or beautiful than the female form. In fact, it is very awkwardly shaped when compared to the female body and in most cases, it is downright gross. So what's so bad about trying to make yourself look as good as you are able to?
Now, I understand that some women like a hairy dude...well, I don't understand it, but I've heard that that is true. Personally, if I get too hairy I feel gross and prefer how I feel neatly trimmed. It helps to provide a healthy self image and general sense of well being and I don't think that that should be reserved just for the gays.
But how far is too far?
Waxing - generally too far.
Nair/Veet - awesome but smelly
Shaving - great, economical, but be careful, you don't want to look like a 12 yr old boy.
The list goes on, but I prefer a trimming shears/shaving as well as a method I refer to as 'lighting yourself on fire'. I was doing that well before it was a Jackass stunt and its really not that bad. Let's think about the alternatives -skip if you don't want to be grossed out-
Burning hurts, but not as bad as waxing. It smells, but not as bad as Nair. Shaving can cause you to cut your skin on occasion. What happens if you get a cut near the butt? The risk of infection/disease/death far outweighs the reward of being trim. Did you ever think of why the butt is shaped like it is? Its to protect your butthole fom getting cut. Generally speaking, nothing is getting passed those cheeks. Also, that's why they call it 'butt', because it rhymes with 'cut', to remind you -Don't cut your butt.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    It's difficult being a straight guy who's not really straight. It's called cognitive dissonance.  


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