My coworkers were kind enough to throw a potluck part in my honor. So much delicious food, so many sweet sweet treats.
Thoughts I've had while 'working':
1. You know how you can Snoopdoggify a word? (i.e. fo' shizzle) Well, you can't do that with the word 'dessert'.
2. I had the pleasure of hanging out with two people that I've never hung out with before: Hippie and Alicia (sorry if i misspelled those names) and I wish I had hung out with them more while I was here. Solid human beings are few and far between and they seem pretty awesome. Also, Hippie fixed my 'ped for a bag of fireworks. Great job!
3. My only regret while in Richmond has been that I played it too safe. I wish I hung out more. I think I focused too much on getting sleep and relaxing, and since I've been trying to fit as much into each day as possible lately I realized that I could have had even more fun. Oh well, live and learn. I guess from here on out I'll have to focus more on living life as hard as possible, with a reckless disregard for my own well-being. I'd like to get more fun, not less, as I 'grow up'.
4. You know how you go on a big trip and you just feel like you've forgotten something? I've felt like that for almost a month now. I may be going crazier.
5. Social filtration theory - I've only maintained a handful of relationships over the years and I'm thankful for the friends that I have and the friends that I've made recently. Even at a cubical job, I've met a handful of really amazing, colorful people that I hope to keep in touch with. Worst case scenario, I'll keep up with Paul B. just in case of an apocalypse of any kind (primarily zombie or mad max scenarios).
6. I appreciate the fact that my only 'regret' is not about something I've done, but about not doing enough. I have sold or given away most of my belongings and I am looking forward to living a harder/simpler life while doing more to help other human beings. I look forward to being scared, frustrated and less comfortable. I want more stories. I want to learn. I want more scars. I really feel like I'm in a great place right now.


  1. Marisa McCormick said...

    i totally know what you mean re: #3.  

  2. jimifoster said...

    I was wondering who was checking out the blog from CA ( I love checking my 'stats').
    So you don't know what I mean re: #1?  

  3. Eva said...

    dude, chilling is really important. also, its really creepy that you came into my house like that today. I was... chilling... too hard to notice.  

  4. jimifoster said...

    haha, I yelled for you so loud, multiple times and nothing. I didnt even think to text you that i was hiding in your house until i was at chop suey.  


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