So a 'bowab' is basically your door guy, maintenance man, and all around go to guy. Most of the time they are pretty cool and it's important to maintain a good relationship with them if you want to have any guests over. The place we are house sitting has a creepy bowab with poor manners and a terrible disposition.
The landlady recently decided that she wanted to replace the old, busted refrigerator with 2 old busted refrigerators. The problem is that someone has to be here when the refrigerator guy gets here and the bowab can't be trusted. So after a day of Francesca waiting around and no refrigerator guy, we arrive at the apartment at 3am to find 2 fridges outside our front door.
The next morning at 830am the bowab is banging on the door. I ignore it and it happens for the next few hours until dave finally answers it at 1130am. This is where it gets funny. They spend an hour trying to figure out how to get it into the kitchen. Dave and I both know all you have to do is take the doors off the fridge and voila! Instead we are treated to a live action marx brothers comedy. The bowab and some random guy with tools decide to take the entire door frame off and then see if it fits, all without measuring anything. This then becomes a construction project with plaster dust everywhere. At one point we have 3 refrigerators in the house and decide to do a photoshoot with Franzo while she is trying to explain to the guys why they are responsible for cleaning up the mess. The entire thing lasted 4+ hours and all they had to do was take the door off the fridge.
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A good friend of mine used to refer to me as bowab.