I got my 3rd missed connection! I haven't replied to this one yet, but I'm certain it was me. The funny part is that i have no idea who could have sent this as i was not playing any game with anyone. well, maybe chris, but the game was 'how do i pass this shot off on someone else.' chris bought well over 20 shots that night, so while this girl thought i was 'shyly looking away', i was probably thinking 'gravity...is it always out to get me?' or 'meta pizza - pizza topped with pizza bagel bites.'

empire beard (one of many) - w4m - 25 (empire)

Reply to: pers-ffrb5-1096xxx669@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-03-28, 5:23PM EDT

you were at a tall table near the big buck hunter game. black hoodie and beard (like many others) but you had a kind face and really sweet eyes... i kept looking at you and smiling- and you shyly looked away. fun game! lets do it again sometime.


  1. AB said...

    Here it is:


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