So we end up at Niles' house and are immediately told that all guys are not allowed to wear pants. For no good reason everyone complies with this request/demand. We basically sat around and watched Bad Brains music videos until mean scenester girl discloses the fact that she has Kip Winger's phone number. Niles really wants to call the lead singer to the glam metal band Winger. Mean scenester girl keeps telling him that if he calls it better be funny and he better not ruin it for her because she wants to call Kip Winger later. Niles seems to ignore this for the most part and it looks like he has nothing at all and that he is, in fact, 'winging it.' Which is where the term actually came from, Kip's impromptu perfomances were later coined as 'winging it'. Anyway, Niles put on the speakerphone and everyone could hear it ring, then go to voicemail - "Hey, this is Kip, leave a message."
Niles - "Hey Kip Winger, lead singer of Winger, this is Niles Piles, lead singer of the Crocodiles, and I was wondering if you wanted to open up for my band. Anyway, if you're interested give me a call at 1-800-MAKEOUTWITHADUDE." Click.
While some details are left out, people mostly just went to sleep. Chris slept on the couch at Niles, woke up and had awkard conversation with Niles' mean roommate, who was not stoked on having a random guy sleeping on the couch. Then Chris calls me to find out how to get to where I am and to inform me that he has lost his shirt somehow. I tell him that he definitely had it when we left the bar, so it has to be at that house. He never found it and had to walk a couple blocks through Baltimore topless with giant, white, dollar store sunglasses on.
Krysta still wasn't feeling great and neither was Alison, but after a delicious breakfast everyone was right as rain. The rest of the day consisted of us driving around the suburbs looking for snowball stands. I had my fill of snowballs that day and at 5pm Krysta, Chris and I started our drive home, exactly 24 hours after we arrived.
During the car ride we got so hungry that we decided to stop at Cracker Barrel. This started as a joke, but let me say, you get so much food for 9 dollars its amazing. The atmosphere is sad, and there are dangerous tools and weapons hanging all over, but you can get nothing but vegetable sides if you want, unlimited sweet tea, and then put syrup and butter on them biscuits...amazing. Also, perhaps the perfect finish to a delightfully odd 24 hour road trip.
Thanks to all who were involved for keeping it so real the entire time. I'm glad I have friends that are okay with spending a day doing nothing but eating snowballs.
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