Have you listened to the 'leaked' 9 songs off of the new Guns and Roses Chinese Democracy?
Apparently Axl Rose has spent a large portion of his life creating the worst album ever. I hear that it is going to be featured in the new movie, Turds, starring Shia Lebuff. Its a follow up to the movie Holes. Seriously, There is no audience for this album. Musical taste for most people has changed 3-4 times since he started this album. I hope your prepared for the occasional Judge Ido reference.
Have you listened to the Weezer (Red) Album?
Seriously, Rivers Cuomo spent the last few years straight eatin' turds. Dear Rivers, I remember when you were awesome at what you did, now you are 38 and apparently eat turds by the truckload. You continually tarnish the memory of the first time I heard Pinkerton.



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