I have very few days off, and this happens to be one of them. Drew and I decided last night that tonight would be a great time to go camping. The problem is that we don't have a tent, just sleeping bags, so we decided that a cabin is a good idea. You can, in theory, rent cabins for as little as $15 a night in some parks. I tried to make a reservation for a cabin on the appalachian trail, but after 20 minutes on their website trying to gather information and a 10 minute phone call, I found out that you can only make reservations mon-thurs 7-9pm. seriously. When i pushed to rent a cabin for tonight the lady i spoke to said that i could come by the office and a volunteer could get me the key and rent out the location. Great! I thought. Unfortunately, the rental office opens at 7pm and is 2.5 hours away from the campsite. So i tried pocahontas state park. They charge 45 dollars, but i figured it's worth it, its my only night off, etc... they require a 2 night minimum stay, even during the off season, even on a monday night.
I checked online, both places have complete availability for the foreseeable future. It's almost as if the state has a vested interest in not renting out the cabins. now it's 130 pm and I have little choice but to waste my one day off, as my plans have been ruined by the government. I know people say that this is a 'free country', but I'm not really sure i know what that means at this point. What rights (liberties that cannot be taken away) do I have? I seriously cannot think of a single one.
do i have the right to not be harmed physically by another individual?
not if the other person is a police officer
do i have the right to do anything to my own body, provided i do not harm anyone else?
not even close.
do i have the right to consume goods and services?
not without a lot of government intervention
a fair trial?
if i'm white and attractive and can afford a real lawyer
etc etc etc

sigh, well at least i can do laundry and watch a movie.


  1. big dave said...

    You have the right to sue others.  

  2. Unknown said...

    I was once told by an Officer Spratling that I had the right to remain silent...and a right to speak to an attorney and have the attorney present during questioning

    Dad's comment would be "The only guarantees in life are taxes and death".  

  3. big dave said...

    Unless you forget you bag while riding public transit and get "detained" for domestic terrorism.  


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