My job is at a fancy restaurant in an old historic bank on main street in richmond. I've been working a lot of shifts at the new job, trying to get as much money as possible so i can get a motorcycle/pay rent. Last night we had a party of 90+ people at a banquet upstairs. The problem with setting these things up is that a lot of the materials are in the 'vault', so you have to go up two full flights of stairs, with table, chairs, etc. All night I'm up and down stairs with giant trays of fancy food or dirty plates. On top of that, I have to smile at a coked up Sir Ben Kingsley lookalike as he tells me that he has put 'bob marley's roots reggae song, exodus, remixed' on the sound system. awesome.
After almost 7 hours of this I did get a free meal (not the norm) and another waiter bought me a beer (blue moon). So all in all it was pretty good, but the last thing you want to do after all of that is ride your bike home in the cold night, up a giant hill. Working at the bottom of the hill makes for a nice ride to work, but a lousy ride home.
The giant upside is that I am very happy with how things are going. I work really hard and go home physically exhausted. My mind is actively engaged and the more stressful it gets, the faster time goes by. I ride my bike a few miles a day and I'm in great shape.

Slaughterama is fast approaching.

the river. hadads. bike rides. friends. front porch hangouts. outdoor movies. cook outs. . .

dear summer,
i'm ready.


  1. AB said...

    I'm also downhill to work, uphill home. I prefer it because I don't sweat in my suit on my way to work.

    If my suit was a sweatsuit, this wouldn't be a problem.  

  2. AB said...

    And I really do think your next job should be some kind of manual labor. You were made for it. For practice, I'll let you carry cat litter up my stairs.  

  3. can't-type sandwich said...

    At my job my mind is constantly engaged by the humiliation to which I am subject. Also, I had to type laula to post this comment.  


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