If you need a reason to add a new blog to your list, this is it.
From Jenny Miller's Heck's Kitchen:

The Internet's First Obama SOTU Drinking Game

Bob: There's NO Obama SOTU drinking game on the entire internet. Strange.
Jenny: Hm. I guess he's not quite ready to be parodied yet.
Bob: I guess not. Take one shot bathtub gin everytime President says 'Since the Great Depression.'
Jenny: That'd be one
Bob: Everytime he says 'failed banking system' put a round of shots on your credit card.
Then there are there's the other low-hanging fruit, 'hope,' 'change'
Jenny: I think maybe just no one's really watching it when you address the union every week, it kind of makes it less special/ridiculous.
Bob: That's crazytalk. I mean, did we only watch Bush's because Bush was a douchebag and we loved to hate him?
I'm excited.
Perhaps it's DC nostalgia, but Rebecca and I have picked out a place to go and I've invited a former (and now unemployed) Obama staffer to come along with us.
Every time the President refers to propping up the failing auto industry, drink a Boilermaker!
Jenny: Haha
Ashby: When he mentions the Japanese '90s decade of recession — Saki Bombers?
Bob: Perfect.
Japan's lost decade = Saki Bomber
Ashby: Housing requires a turpentine...something about termites seems fitting for that industry unable to carry water, full of holes.
How about a shot of Redbull and vodka for each peek of Ram Emanuel we get?
Man he is hot.
Bob: Every time the President uses the word 'sacrifice' — a Kamikazi

Refers to 'making tough choices' — don't. Take a shot of both the brown and the clear liquor.
Jenny: I love Kamakazi
Bob: Ashby's correct: This is a significant cultural void. Just because we like the current President does not mean that this time-honored tradition should be shunned.
I like Red Bull and vodka, actually, for any time 'stimulus plan' is uttered
Afghanistan — Jägerbomb
Nationalization — PBR, America's beer
Jenny: Really?
Bob: Really which?
Can you think of a beer that's more American? It was NAMED at the 1873 world's fair after it won the blue ribbon for best beer!
Any time we hear the term 'bank takeover' steal a sip of your neighbor's drink.
Jenny: Heehee
Ashby: Or 'bank subsidy' just get yourself a bonus extra round on the house
Steal from the bar
Ashby: 40 oz
down it
Bob: hells yeah
Ashby: And try to spell ur name in pee



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