I was just sitting here thinking about how great tony and eva's dog, kiki, is. She was just lying by my feet as I responded to emails, made posts, etc. I was thinking about its adorable Cutthroats bandana around its neck and how well she listens. Then she farted. Hard. I actually had to leave my room so i wouldn't throw up. Speaking of vomit, Sunday I was at holly st park for bike polo/friends and there was a table of kids taking the gallon of milk 'challenge', and subsequently throwing up lots of milk. Kiki was determined to eat it all, despite the fact that no one bet her money to do it. Each time she licks me now I think of that. Dogs will be dogs i guess.


  1. AB said...

    I'm excited to see you this weekend, but I'm really excited to see Kiki.  

  2. Eva said...

    Kiki's farts are like being slapped in the face with a LOG! its funny case that's a poop reference  


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