Right now i'm sitting downstairs in my new home. To the left is a fireplace, to right is an adorable lil scamp of a pup named Kiki. Currently she is enjoying half of a super pretzel that i over cooked while i watch her with my jug of sweet tea i didnt over cook. On the radio is a pandora station i made of quite coalminer jams. This chair is comfortable and I'm just waiting for dollar enchilada/pbr night at lil' mexico. After that, my friends and I will return to house, sit near the fireplace and watch lost in a near imax sized projection and drink boxed wine. Then we'll talk about lost theories, make jokes about things, and eat snacks. I'll go to bed, full, tired, and happy.
Tomorrow i'll wake up with the pain in my stomach caused by the stress of not having a job. It'll be too cold to want to leave the bed so i'll check my email from the comfort of my warm bed. The pain will increase when i see that there are no responses to the six jobs I applied for today and no calls either. I'll wonder what i'm doing with my life, where I'll be in 5 years, and why I haven't gotten a job yet. It's amazing how constant, quiet rejection can cut you to your core.
Then I'll remember how much fun i had the night before, and most nights before that. I'll remember how I only hang out with amazing people, have a great family, and I've seen a lot of things. I'll remember how just now tony sang a red house painters song, that he doesnt know the lyrics to, to kiki. Then explain how eco terrorists dont want you to hurt animals in the virtual world so they hurt you in the real world. I think he was trying to explain the plot to lawnmower man, but there's no way to know.
Then I'll put on the giant robe, maybe drink coffee by the fire, apply to more jobs, maybe run an errand with eva, and basically do whatever I want so long as doesn't cost anything. So i'll stare sit and stare at this fire again, try not to burn another super pretzel, and just be.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    You could get paid for blogging. Or not blogging: http://www.economist.com/blogs/freeexchange/2009/02/money_for_not_blogging.cfm  


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