It's been the longest layover ever. Fortunately, everyone here in Kokomo is great and very accommodating. This really is the place to go to get away from it all. I tried to get money from the ATM and it just shot out clam shells. THAT'S THE CURRENCY HERE! It's great, and once a week there's a town meeting around a bon fire on the beach to discuss town business.
The downside is that all the music sucks and there's about 69 guys that 'kind of' know how to play 2 songs each. if i have to hear one more cover of wonderwall or champagne supernova i'm going to go crazy. also, if i hear 'jah-makin me crazy' one more time i'm going to fork stab someone.
also, i dont like pina coladas.
i wonder if they'll really vote me off? I wonder if i'll get sent back to America?

Now playing: The Beach Boys - Can't Wait Too Long
via FoxyTunes


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    That's where we want to go.  


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