It's 1230am here. My plan was to sleep from 430pm-1230am and get a taxi at 2am for a 415am flight. So far the plan is not working out. I slept from 7-10pm and now i'm getting prepared for the flight. I'm pretty sure my suitcase is pushing 30lbs and its just full of gifts. i feel like tim allen in the santa clause.
I also figured out that i can't hang out in the netherlands on my 5hr layover because its 2 degrees there, i only have a thin sweater, and i dislike being cold more than i like just about anything.
It's 1240am and I know that my flight leaves in almost 4 hours and after that its just 18 hours of airports and airplanes. So for the next 22 hours I will be thinking of daves hot tub, taco bell, and seeing your beautiful face, shimmering with power.

Now playing: Fall Out Boy - America's Suitehearts
via FoxyTunes

yeah that's right, i'm listening to the new fob. i'm just wondering if this is the album that will make people stop listening to them ironically. so far, i'm not impressed.


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    I'll be in Tidewater town on 12.25. You should publish an itinerary like you did last summer so the whole Internet knows where you'll be.  

  2. Anonymous said...

    re: fob

    I'm just hoping that this is the album that makes people stop listening to them FULL STOP  

  3. AB said...

    I'm going to see you so soon!  


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