I watched this hot steaming turd of a movie last night. There was a much better version made just before this movie with gerald butler as beowulf, it was way better. great expansive shots, decent acting, and they stayed close to the original text. This movie was not any of those things. I only wanted to watch it because John Malcovich and Crispin Glover are in it, but its difficult to get past that ridiculous animation effect. Also, beowulf in this movie was just a stupid frat guy and grendals mother looked like a photoshop project of mine involving angelina jolie's silly looking face.
To cleanse my mental palette I just youtubed Crispin Glover and watched about 6 different videos. Crispin hellion glover on david letterman is still the best, and his music videos are also pretty tight, but he gave a very intelligent interview on tom green. If you've ever wondered why he has an affinity for using actors with down syndrom, how corporate media influences culture, or his explanation of the david letterman interview click here.
You can also buy his 1989 album, 'The big problem does not equal the solution the solution equals let it be' at amazon. if nothing else, you should read the reviews. my favorite is when a guy calls crispin glover boring and not 'edgy', the 'bob hope of the new millennium'...


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    As crazed teen bad influence in River's Edge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF9NQ-VlS9c  


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