I have less than 2 weeks here and i still have to do major christmas shopping and go to Fayoum for the final (?) part of ramadan, the second feast. i just want to be as far away from the mass public slaughter of animals as possible, i dont care if its cultural or not, its gross.
We have no hot water and its starting to get colder, so i've been taking a whore's bath for 3 days now and it wont be fixed until tomorrow. also, what do you call it? i always thought 'whores bath' was the more appropriate way to say 'polish shower', but i asked a friend the other night and she said she never heard of either. she said she calls it a 'sink shower'. after i gave her points for creativity i asked if she needed a food shovel (spoon) for her cake hole. this was also when we did not have electricity...i love this apartment.
i'm not looking forward to the cold in the states, in fact, i'm dreading it. you're lucky i like you so much.
i have no ipod or anything (it was stolen a couple months ago), so the plane ride will be terrible. i'll probably just stare ahead blankly thinking about 821 brunch, mexican food, burmese food, and nerds ropes with friends. trust me, after 5 months of beans you can spend 15 hours thinking about foodthings.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Way-Back machine in full effect!

    When I was in middle school I tended to hang with the kids who shared my particular distaste for the scholastic process, this one friend, who's name is not necessary to the story but requires mention that he indeed did have a name, would speak of the "whores bath" as bathing from a sink.

    Not too long after finally dropping out of school I had all the time in to world to find new scumbag friends, who have names that have long been replaced in my synapses, but their eternal scumbaggery still lives on in the electrostatic mess that is me ol' thinkin' cap. One such person, a girl of many travels for still being a teen, would also mention the venerable "whores bath." However her description would be slightly different to the benign acts of merely cleansing one's self from an elevated basin designed for the hands and face. She described the "whores bath" as a bath, specific to the sink, for your "nasty snatch" after loveless sex. You could simply prop one leg up, while perching your heel on the basin, and have prime accessibility to the affected region of the aforementioned coitus. Thus proving that you have succeeded in both doubly being a bather as well as a whore utilizing the proper device with which to clean. "W H O R E S B A T H... Whores Bath."

    Think of you big guy! Can't wait to see you.

    Captcha word of the day part 2:

    "Tolegab" -Not so racist as it is funny. I immediatly think "tadpole," a hint of "tollboth" in there as well, with a nice finish of "Soul Tap" which would give way to a possible inherent racism.

    But I would initially use it this way: "I done tolegabbed you twice tonight lady! What do you think I am? A tolegab machine!?"  


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