Food here is more seasonal than it is in the US because there's more reliance on locally grown products. Beans always seem to be in season, but fruit changes with a force. Fruit, or 'natures nerds ropes' as i like to call them, is one of the simple joys in life. I remember when it was mango season and I was dreading the end of mangoes. I'm not even that into mangoes, they are just that good here. Then mango season ended and fresh strawberries, pomegranates, and oranges flooded the fruit stands. Have you ever had baba baba ghanouj (spell check suggested: gonorrhea) with pomegranate on it? A-mazing. Or have you frozen fresh strawberry juice with just a shot of liquor so it wouldn't freeze completely and you'd have a delicious frozen treat? I have. Ever had 5 mangoes in a sitting? don't.
Sometimes we refer to periods of our lives as 'seasons' and that is usually taken to mean winter, spring, etc. What if you think about it in reference to fruits? sometimes you have to do without something to really experience and enjoy something you wouldn't normally take time to enjoy. For me, I would have never taken the time to find out that eating those little pomegranate seeds is delicious and theres no need to spit them out. I always thought pomegranites were overrated and not worth the effort, a myth i would have never learned the truth about if it weren't for the lack of mangoes.
Right now you might be experiencing the 'bad banana of your discontent', but you should take it in stride, because eventually bananas will be out of season completely and mangoes will rain from the sky.

Now playing: Slayer - Reigning Mangoes
via FoxyTunes



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