One of my odd hobbies is reading about hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming (NLP), a communication model generally applied to psychotherapy.
I think my interest began when i was hypnotized at a show when I was 19. Everyone else was doing weird, over the top things but all the hypnotist made me do was hold onto the microphone and he suggested that i couldn't let go. I knew I wasn't hypnotised, I even winked at my friend as I intended to cause a scene and do something hilarious. The thing was, when it came time, I just didnt want to let go of the microphone. Then he asked me how long I had been on stage and I said about 20-30 mins. It had been about an hour and a half.
So I was wondering if you could be hypnotized in a language other than your native language, if you were fluent. I think this is a valid question and could even shed light on how we process language and what role our subconscience plays. So I looked up 'hypnotized in a different language' in google and the entire first page was about a Young Jeezy song.
More like Jung Jeezy.

Now playing: The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble - Mephistopheles
via FoxyTunes



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