One of my food staples is a dish called fu'ul. It's basically beans that have been cooked overnight, basically its like fancy refried beans but really delicious and a non fried protein source, which is difficult to find here if your vegetarian. Anyway, the best place to get this dish is right by my house, located in the street. I went with my friend nick, a lawyer who helps refugees get proper status and possible relocation. A couple of friends randomly showed up and we had a great time eatin' beans. One of the friends is an unrepentant super conservative republican. I appreciate how dedicated she is to her beliefs, even if i completely disagree with all of them. Its also great to have a very heated debate on important issues because so rarely do we truly interact with people who are so contrary to ourselves. we all say thats what we want to do, but most of our friends will agree with us at least 70% of the time.
Tonight i found myself defending unions, gay marriage/rights, and general activism. these are things i would never have to really defend in the states, but it was great and it really confirms your beliefs when you articulate them, i just dont think we put ourselves in the position to actually do so. So i applaud her for constantly putting herself in that position, because foreigners here are probably 80% liberal democrats and it has to be tough. I still think she's misguided (and would probably support manifest destiny given the chance) but that's my opinion, and as my mom used to say, 'opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.'

Now playing: Q-Tip-Wont Trade
via FoxyTunes


  1. AB said...

    That's like everyday at my job. They sure do love the GOP.  


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