If you needed a reason to not get all of your information about the world from the american news media, check this out. It is a CNN 'breaking news video' in which a cat rides a roomba. It was on the front page of one of the leading news sources. The best part is that the reporter talks for about 20 seconds, trying to say the word 'viral' as much as robotically possible, and i guess the segment had to be 1 minute because she just says 'and here you go, we'll let you enjoy this adorable cat for a while.' So then the cat is just sitting on this roomba for a comically long time with no music or commentary. What an amazing allocation of resources.
What an amazing allocation of adorable.

Now playing: Daft Punk - Something About Us
via FoxyTunes


  1. can't-type sandwich said...

    I should get one of those (Roomba, cat, CNN, all of above).  


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