Fart jokes. That's where it started. 'Will fart jokes ever go out of style?" I wondered..."Have they always existed? Was there ever a time or a culture that didn't appreciate or relate to the humor in a loud trumpeting of the rump(eting?)?" I don't think so, but i'm too lazy to see if there's a wikipedia article on it. or a fartwiki of sorts.
I don't know if thinking farts are funny are something that is instinctual or if its a result of social taboo. i think kids think they are funny before they know they arent supposed to do it in public, so maybe it's a response to the parents reactions. I think it's funny when ethan farts and he sees me laugh, and will later strive for that positive response by farting in an ever increasing comedic fashion until he peaks with a jumping (or flying fart) into my general space. Then his 'blue period' will begin, probably followed by some interpretation of cubist toots, blah blah blah.
but what makes an adult laugh at a fart joke? is it the fact that one person's well being is compromised by another's desire to see them suffer, albeit in a minor way? we see this in the 'hide in the person' s closet and scare them' jokes, or the 'get the person to eat something gross' jokes. But how far does it go?
I think it's peeing. I think you can do anything up until peeing, and then the joke is really hit or miss.


  1. Amanda Foster said...

    how bout this for a fart joke



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