How do you explain Ramadan to Americans...
Well, it's like Christmas eve every single day, for 28 days. You can't eat all day because mom is making a huge dinner. Good luck getting anything done, because everyone leaves work early and most places aren't even open. Oh, and there's no drinking. So basically, you're in Groundhog Day but it's not as funny, you're not Bill Murray and you have no hope of 'getting the girl' or any girl. At the end of it all, instead of Christmas you slaughter an animal in the streets and give 1/3 to the poor, 1/3 to Allah, and eat 1/3. Just try to imagine going to work one day and finding out your employer has brought a giant bull. Everyone is called outside, they kill the bull, and everyone is excited. That 'that's weird and maybe a little gross' sensation that you are experiencing is the same feeling that an Egyptian has when they see me eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, so don't judge others.
Also, Daylight savings time has already ended for me. That's right, they moved Daylight Savings Time to before Ramadan this year so I fell 1 hour back already. We are now only 6 hours apart. I feel closer to you already.


  1. AB said...

    My eighth grade boyfriend, Riaz, kissed me everyday before we got on our respective buses...

    until Ramadan.

    No kisses during Ramadan. Bummer.  


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