Mogamma is the central bureaucratic building in Egypt. Fortunately for me it is located a mere 10 min walk from my house. Unfortunately for me I had to get my visa extended because my initial 30 day visa has expired.
To combat unemployment the government has hired 3-4 people to do each task. I also believe that Mubarak has some sort of deal with the stamp impresario because you have to obtain over 5 stamps for this sheet of paper you have to fill out. That, of course, is after you get photocopies of your passport, passport photos, and the form itself. Let me add that there is no concept of 'lines' in Egypt. So basically imagine DMV on a bad day, with over 70 windows scattered throughout just the second floor, you don't know the language, you have to go around collecting stamps, it's complete chaos, almost nothing is written in english, and all that's if you're prepared and brought all that you need to complete the process.
The deadline each day is also noon. I woke up at 1030am. I left the house at 1045am with no pictures or photocopies. Fortunately, on the way to the Mogamma there are shops where I can get both things done. After 10 minutes and 3 american dollars I have photos and photocopies. Through charm and lots of experience in cramped basement shows, I made it home by 1145am with lunch in hand. Six month visa extension = $2.00. Lunch (Kosheri, 1.5 liter of Pepsi and 1.5 liter water) = $2.oo.
Great job!



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