Sorry for the lack of posts, I plan to make up for them once all guests have left and I start to get settled into my new place.
I got a great deal on it and I live with 4 random people, most of whom don't speak english very well. I'm not sure what nationalities everyone is yet, but everyone seems like they're pretty cool. I have the smallest room with a chance to upgrade in a couple months once some of the people move out. Right now my rent is about $200 a month, and that includes everything. It's an 8th floor penthouse in a nice part of town, but the inside looks like a paper st. house. I'm putting up the first pictures of the place, along with the amazing view from the rooftop, on my flickr.
Soon I will post all the crazy stories from Chris' visit as well, just be patient.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I'm glad to see you've made a return. I was starting to worry that you'd been Jiminapped.  


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