Sometimes drugs make you do stupid things. I'm pretty sure this is one of them.
So this site, I-doser claims that through sound you can experience a similar high to many popular drugs. The best part is that they don't stop at the usually suspects, like Peyote, they offer you Prozium and White Crosses.
Here's where I need your participation. I would like everyone that reads this and has internet access to download the files. There are two options, you can download their 'two free doses' along with their player, etc from their website, or you can download them without the player for free by searching 'i-doser' on thepiratebay.
Your choice, but you get more of a selection on the pirate bay and free is free right? So download them and give it an honest chance, even if you don't have noise canceling headphones. Then write me your experiences. Please do this. I am downloading them now but with this internet connection it could take a week (seriously). I read the experiences on their website and they were hilarious so I want to read yours.
May our souls hold hands in the realm of wizards and our hearts give each other butterfly kisses through the use of binaural brainwave doses.



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