I'm a part of this listserv that basically acts like Craigslist over here. The thing is that you 'subscribe' to it and you get all the emails that the other people post, so slightly less convenient. Anyway, it's a great service and it's called Cairo Scholars, but it's run by a professor of Arabic studies at the University of Texas. So you can imagine, he probably has a class size of about four, and therefore has a ton of free time apparently.
I've heard multiple stories from friends about email exchanges they've had with him. He actually does not allow Egyptians to be on the listserv, and that is documented in an email. When my friend was cut off for offering arabic lessons, because you cannot promote yourself on the listserv, he signed up with a different email and was removed again because the guy actually goes through and looks at all the ip addresses!
Anyway, I'm just upset because I posted a simple question about the independant music scene in Cairo and this is the email I receive directly from him, keep in mind that my name is in my email address, which appears before you even read my post:
May I ask you to use at least your first name in the signature line? Cairo Scholars policy prevents name-less messages because they look anonymous. In the past, I have removed members who failed to comply even accidentally because nameless messages hinder a sense and trust and community. I would hate for you to be removed.


It's that last line that really upsets me. Can you imagine a professor writing something so passive aggressive? And he actually removed people because they accidentally forgot to put their name on a post? The term 'Allah Complex' comes to mind.


  1. Marisa McCormick said...

    every time i read your blog, i find myself humming, burn like a fire, burn like a fire in cairo....  

  2. Unknown said...

    The situation you described was all too common. That's why there is now a new Cairo Scholars community.


    A few key differences- anyone is welcome to join this list, provided they are respectful community members. This list will be free of the long discussions that clogged everyone's inboxes. Finally, everyone will be treated with respect as this list is fully moderated.

    Please let others know about the new site!


  3. Anonymous said...

    Yeah, I can believe it, there's an Egyptologist by the name of Catherine Griffis-Greenberg who lambastes members of a list she runs publicly when they don't sign their names, even if it is clearly in the From: line of the email. There are some academics who are egotistical control freaks.  

  4. Hisham said...

    I was removed because accidentally I sent an email twice (the first emails was with unregistetred email, which any message sent by it, is diffused/rejected) so it is not my fault he added my 2nd account without letting me know. So he discourages people to use the mailing list (I think he discourages Egyptians).

    "You sent two copies of this message for no reason. I have received a few complaints already from members how don't appreciate your over-use of the list with multiple messages on different topics per day, let alone multiple messages that are identical.

    Whether on purpose or by mistake, you have annoyed me and other list members by using this list in appropriately, so I have to remove you. No list permits members to send out unnecessary messages that choke people's inbox.

    best regards,

    What is unnecessary? Sending to ask where to buy a tent from Cairo, which is the main objective of the list!  

  5. Bryonski said...

    The god of the list, as I am sure he likes to think himself! booted me off a few months back for daring to sell an I pod touch (doesn't everyone sell stuff on there??)
    But really we should feel sorry for the guy, as anyone who needs to use a mailing list to boost his ego in this way has serious problems. He obviously has nothing to say at home ;)  

  6. R said...

    am i glad i found this post! Samer ali treats people like they're something on the bottom of his shoe. Someone should tell him that adding 'best' really doesn't negate how moronic, rude and disrespectful his emails are. I too was kicked off and given an equally ridiculous reason.  


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