After a full day/week of packing, loading, running errands, cleaning, etc. I finally get to rest at Emerson house. I am pretty confident that everything is taken care of, and all the important i's and t's are respectively dotted and crossed. I think that the motorcycle trip tomorrow will be perfect for clearing my mind and getting prepared for this weekend.
Dave and I just watched Intolerable Cruelty tonight for the first time. I admit the only appeal was the fact that it's a Cohen brothers film. Despite the fact that it is a rom/com, I was impressed and recommend it if you've never seen it.
I'm lying on the futon typing out a late post, staring at my suitcase. My possessions now fill a suitcase and one messenger bag. It's a really great feeling. Last time I left behind a house, furniture, electronics, I just leave behind some of the best friends and family anyone could ever wish for.
I have a lot to look forward to in a short amount of time. Tomorrow Dave and I ride to WV to meet up with some of the best and creative minds of our time...and partake in 'make your own pizza night' and nickel slots. Oh yeah, tomorrow will also be the first time I've ever really ridden a motorcycle.



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