Is there a blog from a 7-11 clerks point of view? I bet it would be a pretty great blog if is was run my someone clever/funny/dashingly handsome. Anyway, I was just in 7-11 and I got stuck behind two lottery players. This is a subculture I want to know more about. By it's nature it attracts those low on the socioeconomic scale and worsens those already battling addictions. I'm not talking about your mom getting a scratch off at the grocery store because she was 'feeling lucky'. I'm talking about the hard core users. The people, like the two women in front of me, spend hours at a 7-11 playing every type of lottery there is. I believe they refer to it as 'diversifying funds.' Is there a documentary about this somewhere? These women, who were in their 50's and 70's respectively (not each one at the same time a la john claude van damme timecop style), were dropping so much slang it was comical.
"Magic pick three tonight? No? Magic 5? Ok then, let me get 2 simple pinks and what's the latest out? ok, 5 of the crazy 7s"
Then I bought a Slurpee with change I found in my car because I didn't have my wallet.



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