That's how I've felt while being at my parents house. Not in a bad way, just in a dave-sleeps-in-my-room-on-a-mattress-on-the-floor-and-drinks-michelob-lights-while-playing-nintendo-and-saying-swear-words-kind-of-way. So tonight I am sitting here eating pie and ice cream and watching him play mario kart on the wii. Anyway, so dave just kind of lost it while playing and I said, 'quit wigging out' and he said, 'I'm going to get wiggered out'. I about lost it. Then he started talking about how the term 'wigger' came from just losing your mind sometimes. For me, that time was 7th grade...I wouldn't suggest wigging out to anyone out there. There's a lot of drama, and a lot of heartache and those roads are not for us. I say we just play. I say we just lay here, chillax and drink some 'lobes.



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