Eventually I will ride the Trans Siberian Express, so why not research train travel now?
The Man in Seat 61, is a great website with a ton of information on international train travel.

Then I found out how to 'Google Bomb' someone.

Sadly, George Carlin died. He was truly one of the great comedic minds of our time. True, not all of his jokes were pure gold, but nobody as a 100% joke rate. He made great strides in defending our freedom of speech and was one of the forefathers of shock comedy.

Apparently, I don't keep up with pop culture enough. I had no idea that when they talked about Amy Winehouse's 'drug problems' they were talking about crack.

This exchange was on Craigslist MC today:

red bull girl at Veggie Fest - m4w - 25 (B Park)

Reply to: pers-****
Date: 2008-06-22, 5:51PM EDT

you rock...thanks for the freebie, I owe y'all one.

RE: red bull girl at Veggie Fest - m4w - 25 (RIC)
Reply to: pers-****
Date: 2008-06-22, 6:04PM EDT

Why would you owe her one? It's her damn job to hand out free red bull to everyone, you're not special. She doesn't give a s*** what you think.



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